Wherever possible, we try to make sure our resources live long and dynamic lives ♻️ Which is why we were so excited when we discovered The Patchworking Garden Project and a new purpose for our old hessian sacks.

In what was the entrance to a sports ground at the base of Box Hill, now sits a flourishing horticultural society filled with beautiful plants and a workshops. What’s more incredible is that the space is run entirely by volunteers from the community!

They offer gardening, crafting and the opportunity to learn new skills in a safe and friendly space for those living with a physical or mental health conditions, learning disabilities or a challenging life situations, and carers. Working with 50 support volunteers, they provide an educational and inclusive space for up to 90 people every week.
Our hessian sacks are transformed by the workshops into a wide range of beautiful creations, including aprons for crafts, bunting, bags, decorative ornaments and leftover scrap material is also the home for the name badges for staff and attendees.

The gardening team have also been inspiringly innovative, stuffing the sacks with weeds collected from the garden and chucking them into the compost bin to rot!

We leave the The Patchworking Garden Project feeling very inspired by the handwork and creativeness of the whole team, and are walking away with the knowledge that our resources can go a lot further than our own personal use. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure is certainly true in this case!
If you are in the Greater London or Surrey area and think you have anything that could be useful to the project, you can contact them via their website @ https://patchworkinggardenproject.co.uk/